Web, Data & Video


RUWireless provides the Rutgers University community with wireless network access in many areas of all three Rutgers University campuses. All Rutgers University students, staff, and faculty, as well as sponsored guests, are able to use the RUWireless system in the many community spaces, dorms, and departmental buildings where it is available.

Remote Drive Mapping (Samba)

Remote drive mapping is designed to make managing file space on RCI and Eden as convenient as possible. This service utilizes Samba, a program installed on the RCI and Eden central servers. With this setup no changes need to be made to a local desktop computer. Once connected your web space will appear as an assigned drive letter, the files will then be just as easy to change as if they were located on your own hard drive.

Departmental Account (Faculty and Staff)

As of November 1, 2019, RCI will be shut down and decommissioned. All RCI accounts will be removed, and file storage, databases, email, websites, and other services on RCI will no longer be available. 

We are currently conducting the final audit of all RCI departmental accounts before RCI is decommissioned. Please log into the following web tool to indicate the status of any RCI departmental accounts you are associated with:


Departmental accounts on RCI are available for departments to conduct University business. Departmental accounts provide a constant address for email, web pages, and other needs and allow the staff of a department to work on these projects together. Although these accounts often represent University departments, it is possible to get a departmental account for projects within a department, or for University-related units or organizations other than official University departments. 

Computer Labs

The OIT computer labs offer students, faculty, and staff access to computers, laser printers, class software, and computer classroom space.  There are over 15 computer labs across the four New Brunswick/Piscataway campuses, providing nearly 1000 workstations and over 40 printers.

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